February 5, 2025

The CMSP Governing Board is pleased to announce its new, Building the Healthcare Workforce grant program (BHW).  The goals of the BHW program are to reduce barriers to care faced by CMSP county residents and to support and expand CMSP county healthcare workforces.

This new program is in direct response to research conducted by UCSF and stakeholder feedback regarding healthcare workforce challenges in CMSP counties.  Building the Healthcare Workforce grant projects will address healthcare workforce needs at the local level!

Up to $14 million has been approved for the BHW grant program and will be released over multiple funding rounds across two project tracks.


Track 1 – Coalition Planning grant awards will be up to $85,000

Track 2 – Initiative grant awards will be up to $750,000


Visit Building the Healthcare Workforce to view the Request for Proposals and learn full program details.

For questions regarding the BHW Grant, contact Laura Moyer, Grants Administrator, via email at grants@cmspcounties.org.


February 4, 2025

The CMSP Governing Board is pleased to announce the rolling application deadline for its CMSP Healthcare Infrastructure Development Matching Grant program (HID Matching Grant) has been extended to December 2025!

Up to $10 million has been approved for the HID Matching Grant program to assist CMSP counties with expanding facility capacity to provide healthcare and behavioral health services to underserved populations, including CMSP beneficiaries, in CMSP counties.  This program provides match funding at the local level to CMSP counties and non-profit providers under contract to these counties that have been awarded or notified of an award of a state, federal, or other healthcare infrastructure grant with a local financial match requirement. To learn more, visit HID Matching Grant.

For questions regarding the HID Matching Grant, contact Laura Moyer, Grants Administrator, at (916) 649-2631 ext. 110 or by email at grants@cmspcounties.org.

December 2, 2020

The County Medical Services Program (CMSP) Governing Board is launching a new benefit program called Connect to Care. Similar to CMSP’s Path to Health Program, Connect to Care provides primary care benefit coverage for uninsured adults that reside in any of the thirty-five (35) CMSP counties.

Connect to Care covers adults ages 21 – 64, documented and undocumented, with incomes between 138% and 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and not enrolled in Medi-Cal, Medicare, Covered California, or private health insurance.

  • Connect to Care benefit coverage includes:
    Medical office visits, preventive screenings, and adult immunizations with primary care providers or specialists at contracted community health centers and other individual providers
  • Prescription medications (specialty medications excluded) with $5 copay and $1,500 limit

CMSP contracted community health centers will enroll eligible patients in Connect to Care through a secure online enrollment system. To learn more about Connect to Care, please attend one of our upcoming informational webinars via Zoom:

December 15, 2020, 10:00 am
Meeting Number: 998 2095 7595
Meeting Password: 001545

December 18, 2020, 2:00 pm
Meeting Number: 927 3937 3156
Meeting Password: 001545

For more information on Connect to Care and how to become a Connect to Care Enrollment Provider please visit www.myconnecttocare.org.