CMSP understands that attracting and retaining quality healthcare professionals is an integral component of local healthcare delivery systems. To meet this need, the Governing Board is continuing its partnership with the Department of Healthcare Access and Information (HCAI) on two different educational debt relief programs for medical professionals.
CMSP Loan Repayment Program
CMSP LRP assists healthcare professionals with the repayment of their educational debt. Under this program, eligible applicants may receive loan repayments of up to $50,000 in exchange for a two-year service obligation providing direct patient care at a contracted provider site. Previously awarded applicants may apply for an award extension of up to $20,000.
Unlike the California State Loan Repayment Program, contracted provider sites are not required to match the CMSP LRP provider award amount.
The following professionals who provide primary healthcare or dental services at a CMSP contracted provider site located within the 35 CMSP counties may apply:
- General Dentist (DDS/DMD)
- Medicine (MD/DO)
- Family Medicine
- General Internal Medicine
- General Psychiatrics
- Obstetrics/Gynecology
- Nurse Practitioner (NP) (primary care)
- Physician Assistant (PA) (primary care)
To date, CMSP has awarded $10,362,110 to professionals working at CMSP contracted provider sites through this program.
The CMSP LRP application cycle is currently closed.
To learn more, please visit:
CMSP LRP is administered by the Department of Healthcare Access and Information through their Office of Healthcare Workforce Development. For questions or assistance with the CMSP LRP application process, please call (916) 326-3700 or email
Allied Healthcare Loan Repayment Program
The Allied Health Loan Repayment Program (AHLRP) provides educational debt relief of up to $16,000 for various medical professionals in exchange for a one-year service obligation practicing direct patient care at a contracted provider site located within any of the 35 CMSP counties.
Allied healthcare professionals who may receive loan repayment support through AHLRP include:
- Anesthesia Technician
- Anesthesiologist Assistant
- Associate Clinical Social Worker
- Associate Marriage and Family Therapist
- Associate Professional Clinical Counselor
- Audiologist
- Auto-Transfusionist
- Cardiovascular Technologist
- Certified AOD Counselor
- Chiropractor
- Clinical Laboratory Scientist
- Community Health Worker
- Dental Assistant
- Dental Hygienist
- Diagnostic Sonographer/Radiographer (Including Mammographer, etc.)
- Dietitian/Nutritionist
- Electrocardiogram Technician
- Emergency Medical Technician
- Health Educator
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Interpreter
- Medical Laboratory Scientist
- Medical Radiation Scientist
- Neurophysiologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Occupational Therapy Assistant
- Orthoptist
- Orthotist/Prosthetist
- Paramedic
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacist
- Phlebotomist
- Physical Therapist
- Physical Therapy Assistant
- Podiatrist
- Psychological Associate
- Psychologist
- Radiotherapist/Radiation Therapist/
Medical Dosimetrist - Respiratory Therapist
- Speech Therapist
- Surgical Technologist
To date, CMSP has awarded $2,801,397 to Allied Healthcare professionals working at CMSP contracted provider sites through this program.
The AHLRP application cycle is currently closed.
To learn more, please visit:
AHLRP is administered through the Department of Healthcare Access and Information (HCAI). For questions or assistance with the AHLRP application process, please call their Office of Healthcare Workforce Development at (916) 326-3700 or email